Thursday, 9 July 2015

CHAPTER 30:Information and Communication Technology(ICT)

Meaning Of Information and Communication Technology
            Information and Communication Technology refers to a technology employed in the form of tools, equipment and application support which helps in the collection storage, retrieval, use, transmission, manipulation and dissemination of information as accurately and efficiently as possible for the purpose of enriching the knowledge and develop communication, decision-making as well as problem solving ability of the user.

Origin and Growth
            Communicating and collecting information and using them for specific purpose are as old as the human civilization itself. In the absence of the means and tools, the primitive way was to carry out them orally, store them in the memory, and transmit them orally to the user.
            Invention of paper and ink coupled with the print media may be regarded as the first breakthrough in the evolution of the concept of information and communication technology. One scientific invention that provided better means for this purpose may be named as the movable type (invented by Gutenberg in 1438 in Germany). It was further given a new impetus through the inventions related to: photography in 1849 by a Frenchman L.G.M. Daguerre and an Englishman W.H.F. Talbot, Photostat technique in 1900 by Professor Abbe Rene Graffin of France , xerography in 1938, by Chester F. Carlson of U.S.A, laser technology (use for printing and memory device) in 1960 by Theodore Maiman of U.S.A, and magnetic video camera, video disc and computers developed in the 20th century. Beside this, the advancement made in the field of telecommunication technology in the shape of the invention  of telegraph, telephone radio, television and communication satellites, cables fax, etc.has contributed a lot in the evolution of ICT at the present age. But as far as the origin of the term information and communication technology (ICT) is concerned, the credit goes to U.S.A. where the term “information science” (later called as information communication technology) was first introduced in 1950 for the effective handling of the interchange of scientific information among the scientists in U.S.A. and foreign countries. Later on, around 1960, it was began to be used in the fields and walks of our life including education and instructions.

Traditional and Modern ICTs
            Information and communication technologies for the purpose of their better understanding application may be properly classified in two broad groups, namely  traditional and modern . In traditional technologies, we may include the means and media like printed media, verbal information and knowledge and a variety of audio-visual aids and equipment. In modern technologies, we may include the advanced and sophisticated means like digital video camera, multimedia personal computer (PC). Laptop and notebook, multimedia projector (LCD or DLP), computer networking , internet and worldwide websites, computer mediated video and audio conferencing ,video text, tele text, virtual classroom, virtual reality and etc.

  Uses and Advantages
            The use of ICT is playing a quiet vital role in the field of education in so many ways. It is providing immense help and assistance to all connected with the tasks of education like students, teachers, guidance, and counseling personnel, educational planners and research workers for performing their responsibilities as adequately as possible. Besides this it is also performing a great role in bringing desired changes and revolution in a big way in the whole system of formal and non-formal education and instructions.
The Students
            They may get the required opportunities and training for receiving and using information their self improvement. ICT may help them to satisfy their urges of curiosity,inventiveness,construction etc.
The Teachers
            The Teachers get sufficient help from ICT in their task of teaching.Their acquaintance with the relevant source of information in the form of books, journals, and other reading materials, audio-visual material and equipment and electronics and telecommunication media makes them able to acquire necessary teaching material and techniques.
The Counsellors
            The counsellors working in schools and outside the schools in the community can be greatly learn through ICT. They can have proper access to the various sources of information and communicate and interact well with their clients for providing desired educational,vocational and personal guidance as well as counselling to the students along with their parents.On the other hand, with the help of the recorded electronic devices,they may be acquainted with the educational level,interests, aptitudes, attitudes and other personality characteristics of the students which can further enable to meet the guidance and counselling needs of the students.
The Educational Administrators and Planners
           ICT may help the educational administrators and planners in the task of exercising their professional responsibilities in an appropriate way.On one hand, it makes them well informed regarding the development in the field of education,educational administration and planning and on the other hand,they can have proper access to the information data regarding the functioning of the institution , working of the teachers and achievements of their students and other personnel.
            Use and applications of  ICT in our schools suffers from the limitations, difficulties and drawbacks like:
1.      Lack of needed facilities, material and equipment and favorable  conditions for the use of ICT.
2.      A widespread ignorance about the use, applications and advantages drawn out of the ICT on the part of the teachers, head of the institution and educational authorities.
3.      Resistance on the part of teachers and students for its use on account of their attachment to old ways and fear for the adoption of the new.

4.      Lack of provision to equip the teachers neither at the pre-service stage nor at the in-service stage in the utilization of ICT for the instructional and other educational purposes in the schools.

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